The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Stupid, but extremely ravenous!

Email Report Plugin - Version 3.3 - Reference

Filename: plugin_blatt_report

Offline Manual

You are reading this offline manual for this plugin. The links to the right navigate through the offline information. The links above and to the left link to If you downloaded the plugin from somewhere else, or downloaded it some time ago, I recomend you check for an updated plugin. Note that the on-line manual may have been updated even if the plugin hasn't.

Player Usage

Players can use the "e-mail" console command to send a message to the server admin - e.g.

e-mail Fred is wall hacking

Administrator Usage

The following administrator level commands are supported. All require ACCESS_CONFIG (512):

bbemail_address <recipient address>
Sets the e-mail address of the recipient. You can supply multiple recipients separated by semi-colons, but this is not recommended as there is an overall message length of 250 characters, including the mail headers. If you require multiple recipients it is recommended you setup a distribution list on your mail server, and configure the plugins to send messages to the list.