Email Report Plugin - Version 3.3 - Install
Filename: plugin_blatt_report
Offline Manual
You are reading this offline manual for this plugin. The links to the right
navigate through the offline information. The links above and to the left
link to
If you downloaded the plugin from somewhere else, or downloaded it some time ago,
I recomend you check for an updated plugin. Note that the on-line manual may have been updated
even if the plugin hasn't.
Installing The Plugin
Complete the following form to tailor these instructions
to your system:
Copying Files
Copy the contents of the X folder to your
X folder.
Copy the contents of the Config folder to your
X folder.
Adding the plugin to Admin Mod
Open the file Xplugin.ini and add the following
line anywhere below Xplugin_antiflood.amx and above
Installing the SMTP Service
If it is not already installed, you need to install the Microsoft SMTP Service:
- Login to Windows as an Administrator.
- Open the services applet. This is in Control Panel
in Windows NT, and Administrative tools in 2000/XP.
- Check if "Simple Mail Transport Protocol" (2000/XP)
is installed, or "Microsoft SMTP Service" (NT). If it
is skip to the next section.
- Open Control Panel and choose Add/Remove Programs
- Choose Add/Remove windows components
- Select IIS from the list of components then click
on customize / details.
- From the IIS Sub-components select the SMTP service.
You can remove an other IIS components it will let you.
- Once the component is installed, re-apply the latest
service pack for your operating system.
- Use Windows Update to apply any security fixes for
Configuring the SMTP Service
- In your X folder, create a folder
called Messages.
- In the Inetpub\AdminScripts folder is script called AdsUtil.vbs.
You need to use this to set the pickup folder for mail message to
the messages folder you just created. Run this from a command
prompt and pass it the location of your Messages folder
as an argument - e.g.
cscript C:\Inetpub\Adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET SMTPSVC/1/PickupDirectory "C:\Half-Life\X\Messages"
Configuring the plugin
- Start and connect to your server as an Admin Mod administrator.
- Issue the bbemail_address command with the address where you would
like the e-mail messages delivered as an argument.
- Type "e-mail hello world" in the console to test.