The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Stupid, but extremely ravenous!

Map Management Plugin - Version 4.0 - Reference

Filename: plugin_blatt_map

Offline Manual

You are reading this offline manual for this plugin. The links to the right navigate through the offline information. The links above and to the left link to If you downloaded the plugin from somewhere else, or downloaded it some time ago, I recomend you check for an updated plugin. Note that the on-line manual may have been updated even if the plugin hasn't.

Player Usage

The following commands can be 'said' by any player by using the chat key (default is 'y')

listmaps [<SEARCH>]
Displays a list of all vote-able maps in the players console and prompts them to open the console. If a search string is specified, only those maps that contain the search string will be listed. This command can be used from chat or the console.
nominate <MAPNAME>
vote <MAPNAME>
Adds a map to the menu for the next vote. All three commands do the same thing. The map name is accepted with or without the '.bsp' extension, and anything in front of the first underscore is optional. If you use the third form - i.e. just the name of the map, no errors are reported if the map doesn't exist. e.g.
nominate de_dust.bsp Nominates dust.
nominate de_dust Nominates dust.
nominate dust.bsp Nominates dust.
nominate dust Nominates dust.
vote de_dust Nominates dust.
de_dust Nominates dust.
dust Nominates dust.
vote de_dsut Gives map 'de_dsut' not found error.
dsut Does nothing - no error displayed.
Displays the currently nominated maps. This also happens automatically every 2 minutes, or at the frequency specified by the administrator.
All display the time left before the next vote and the current map. However, if the plugin is disabled by an admin, they revert to their normal behaviour from plugin_chat.
Will start an immediate vote, if sufficient time has passed on the current map, and a sufficient number of players rockthevote.
A manually started vote will always have a "stay on this map" option, regardless of the administrator settings for bbmap_extends. However, voting for this option will not extend the time on the map, it will simply not change map early.

Administrator Usage

The following commands can be issued from the console by an admin with ACCESS_MAP. All settings will be remembered between server restarts.

All commands will also echo the current settings for every command to the administrator's console. I recommend you try the plugin without altering these settings for a few games before tweaking it to your desired configuration - some changes that look good at first, don't play so well.

IMPORTANT: All settings made with these commands are persistent. The settings made will survive map changes and server restarts. To revert to the default configuration use the bbmap_reset commands.

bbmap_report [ "on" | "off" ]
If called with no arguments, displays the current configuration. If an argument is supplied, it switches on/off the automatic display of the report after every other command is issued.
Changes all settings back to their default values as described on this page.
bbmap_mode vote
Enables automatic voting at the end of each map. This is the default setting.
bbmap_mode cycle
Enables managed map cycling. In this mode votes only occur through the "rockthevote" command (if enabled), but map cycling is synchronised to the end of a round.
bbmap_mode off
The map management plugin is disabled and all maps cycle normally. No voting is allowed regardless of other settings, and the nextmap/ timeleft/ currentmap commands perform their normal function.
bbmap_duration <n> minutes
Sets the number of minutes after which the map vote or cycle will occur. Default value is 30.
bbmap_duration <n> frags
Sets the individual score by the leading player at which the map vote or cycle will occur. Set to 0 if you do not wish to trigger map changes using frags. Default value is 0.
bbmap_duration <n> frags lead
Sets the score by which the leading player must lead the second best player for the map vote or cycle to occur. Set to 0 if you do not wish to trigger map changes using frags lead. Default value is 0.
bbmap_duration <n> rounds
Sets the number of rounds after which the map vote or cycle will occur. Set to 0 if you do not wish to trigger map changes using rounds. Default value is 0. NOTE: This command only works for counter-strike.
bbmap_duration <n> wins
Sets the number of round wins by the leading team after which the map vote or cycle will occur. Set to 0 if you do not wish to trigger map changes using wins. Default value is 0. NOTE: This command only works for counter-strike.
bbmap_duration <n> wins lead
Sets the number of round wins the leading team must have over the trailing team for the map vote or cycle to occur. Set to 0 if you do not wish to trigger map changes using wins lead. Default value is 0. NOTE: This command only works for counter-strike.
bbmap_nominations on | off
Enables or disables allowing players to nominate maps for a vote. If bbmap_nominations is off and you are in voting mode, the plugin will determine the options on the vote rather than the players. Default value is "on".
bbmap_echo on | off
Enables or disables echoing commands typed in chat. e.g. If disabled and a player types "timeleft", it will show the time left, but will not actual display the string "timeleft" in the chat window. Default value is "on".
bbmap_menusize <number>
Sets the number of maps in the menu. Valid values range from 2 to 8. The default setting is 4. I recommend you number of maps is not more than half your maximum number of players.
bbmap_extends <number>
Sets the number of times players can vote to remain on the current map before that option is removed from the menu. Valid range is 0 - 1000. Default value is 3. NOTE: The option to extend is not displayed if the criteria for the map changing is due to team/player scores.
bbmap_extendtime <number>
Sets the number minutes for which a map is extended, if that option wins the vote. Valid range is 5 - 60. Default value is 10.
bbmap_banlast <number>
Sets the number of recently played maps that players are not allowed to nominate. Valid range is 0 - 10. Default value is 3.
NOTE: You should ensure bbmap_menusize + bbmap_banlast is less than the number of maps in your maps.ini file, otherwise users won't be able to nominate.
bbmap_verbosity <number>
bbmap_msglocation <number>
Verbosity controls the number of prompts the plugin displays to players, msglocation controls whereabouts on the screen any messages enabled with verbosity are displayed. To determine your verbosity setting, add together the numbers in the following table for those messages you wish to enable. To determine your msglocation setting, add together those numbers for those messages you want to display in the centre of the screen.
ValueDescriptionDefault VerbosityDefault Location
1 Currently not used. On Centered
2 Timed announcements of available maps On Centered
4 Timed announcements of nominated maps On Centered
8 Confirmation of player's nominations On Chat
16 Countdown messages for beginning a vote On Centered
32 Controls all speech On N/A
64 Voting in progress messages On Centered
128 Voting complete / results messages On Centered
256 Announce winning player or team when a victory condition is met On Chat
512 The URL to download custom maps On Centered

The default settings are 1023 for bbmap_verbosity and 755 for bbmap_msglocation. If for example you wanted to disable the voting in progress message, you would change bbmap_verbosity to 691. NOTE: This setting only affects messages to all players. Messages sent to an individual player (e.g. map does not exist) are not affected.

IMPORTANT: Do not set victory condition announcements and vote countdown messages to the same location - they are displayed at the same time!

bbmap_msgfrequency <number>
Sets the number minutes between announcements of what maps are nominated, or what maps are available for nomination. Default value is 2, valid range is 1 - 1000.
If invoked with no arguments, this will start an immediate vote (regardless of any restrictions on rocking the vote). However, when arguments are supplied, it configures the settings for rocking the vote as explained below.
bbmap_rockthevote <number> "minutes"
Sets the number of minutes a player must wait before being about to rock the vote.
bbmap_rockthevote <number> "players"
Sets the number of players that must rock the vote for a vote to begin. If fewer players are on the server, a vote will being if all players rock the vote
bbmap_rockthevote <number> "percent"
Sets the percentage of players on the server that must rock the vote for a vote to begin.
All 3 conditions must be met for a vote to begin. e.g. If you configure 5 minutes, 6 players and 75%, then no-one will be able to rock for 5 minutes. After that 75% of all players connected, and at least 6 players must rockthevote in order for a vote to begin. Two exceptions exist:
  • If every player says rockthevote and the time limit has passed, the vote will occur, even if there are fewer than the request number of players connected.
  • If an administrator uses bbmap_rockthevote in the console, the vote will happen immediately. Administrators using rockthevote in chat are treated like other players (this is different to older versions of this plugin).
To disable rockthevote, set the rockthevote time limit to a longer time period than the bbmap_duration time limit.
bbmap_mapsurl <url>
Sets the URL that will be announced as the location to download custom maps when the server is about to change to a custom map. This setting will not have any effect unless you create a "standardmaps.ini" file in your game mod folder that lists the standard maps for your game.
admin_vote_map <name>
This is the standard Admin Mod command to immediately start a map vote. This behaviour is overridden by this plugin if the caller does not have ACCESS_MAP as follows: Firstly it attempts to nominate the specified map. If the map was successfully nominated, or had already been nominated it then attempts to rock the vote. If your setting for bbmap_rockthevote permits the vote to be rocked at this time, the 20 second countdown to voting will begin.
If the caller has ACCESS_MAP level rights then the normal single map Yes/No vote is performed with a few enhancements:
  • You can abbreviate map names in the same way as nominating a map.
  • The map change won't take effect until the end of the round if round synchronisation is enabled.
  • Admin kick prevention will be used if the plugin_antiadminkick plugin is installed.
  • Results and bad map name errors are multi-lingual.
admin_map <name> [now]
This is the standard Admin Mod command to manually change map. This plugin will override the default behaviour as follows:
  • You can use the shortened form of map names - e.g. admin_map dust
  • An announcement will be displayed immediately notifying players of the map change.
  • If you have Logd installed, the map will change at the end of the round.
  • If you do not have Logd installed, the will change after a short interval.
  • If you specify "now" after the map name, it will change immediately.
  • If you change to a custom map and have setup standardmaps.ini, players will be warned that the map is a custom map and be prompted where to download it.
  • If plugin_antiadminkick is installed, it will be used to prevent admins being kicked.
This will abort any vote that has a "remain on this map" option, or that was started by admin_vote_map. Votes that do not have a remain on this map option cannot be aborted.
The standard implementation of this command is replaced by the plugin to invoke the new listmaps command.
votemap <name>
This is the standard half-life command to vote for a specific map. This plugin overrides the default behaviour and treats it as a nomination for the specified map. NOTE: Users may be used to using a map number to vote for a map rather than a name.

Defunct Commands

bbmap_adminpass on | off
Previous versions of this plugin used this command to enable / disable attempting to execute each administrator's "adminpass.cfg" before a map change, to prevent them being kicked. This command is no longer supported. Instead if plugin_antiadminkick is detected on your server, it will automatically be used to prevent administrators from being kicked.
The server's mp_timelimit setting will have no effect - use bbmap_duration to set the time to spend on each map. mp_roundlimit and mp_winlimit should not be used.