habe ich folgenden Ansatz gefunden:
"How can I use the bot with MetaMod?
You have to install the POD-Bot first and then MetaMod, otherwise it won't be nice.
But you can update your POD-Bot 2.x with EPB after you installed MetaMod without having to reinstall it. Add the param +localinfo mm_gamedll podbot/podbot.dll to your Counter-Strike Shortcut. It will look like this then: C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe -console -game cstrike +localinfo mm_gamedll podbot/podbot.dll. You can also use metamod and other plugins, but the bot is not designed to use it with any plugins, so it could be incompatible. The best solution is too use as few plugins/addons as possible."
Nur leider bin ich zu noob um das zum laufen zu bekommen.
Gibt es schon ein definitives nein zu Bots für 1.6 ?
Ich bin für jede Hilfe dankbar, stand bei mir entweder Bots oder AdminMod!