Beliebt Fehler : reserved nicks |
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Autor: | Schaelle [ 10.07.2003, 19:43 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | Beliebt Fehler : reserved nicks |
Hi, habe auch das Fehler das CS dann immer anzeigt "Name oder Tag ist reserviert" . Die Flag b hab ich schon versucht rauszunehmen. Vieleicht habe ich auch die Rechte falsch eingetragen hier mein cm_admins.cfg: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ClanMod 1.81.x Counter strike Config Pack v1.81.0 (Dec 2, 2002) // Visit for all your ClanMod needs // Please read the manual carefully before altering this file! // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flags for Permissions & Levels of Admins // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A Access to the Slap Menu & Punish Commands (slay, gag, bury, etc) // B Access to the Ban Menu - Temporary Time Bans // C Ability to send colored Admin Chat messages (set by cvar cm_chatflag) // D Access to the Cancel Vote Menu // E Access to the Client-Commands Menu // J Access to clanmodmenu2 // K Access to the Kick Menu // M Access to the Changelevel Menu // N Access to cm_rcon // O Operator level // P Used with Level B to allow - Permanent Bans // Q Access to the "Exit", "More" and "Back..." positions in ClanMod Menu // R Access to the Record Demo Menu and the Snapshot Menu // S Access to the Settings Menu // T Access to the Teleport Menu // U Access to the Unban Menu // V Access to the Votemap and Votekick Menus. Ability to close vote session // W Access to Play Sounds with Say and Menu // X Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands) // Y Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands) // Z Custom level (for Custom and Client Commands) // b Kicks player no matter what password is given (used for unwanted names) // f Give level and flags to the player, but don't mark him as an admin // k Admin can not be kicked // l Do not logout if name or password has changed // o Operator, can kick everyone // r Has a reservation in the server's freeslots // s Kick the player if a bad password was given // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Admins // Format cm_admin "nick, IP, or WONID" "password" "level+flags" "description" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3 Examples Below (By Name, IP, WONID (recomended), and by STEAM ID): // cm_admin "Barney" "password" "ABCDEKMNOPQRSTUVWklors" "Barney" // cm_admin "" "password" "ABCDEKMNOPQRSTUVWklors" "Barney" // cm_admin "293107" "password" "ABCDEKMNOPQRSTUVWklors" "IPwn" // cm_admin "STEAM_01234:567890" "password" "ABCDEKMNOPQRSTUVWklors" "AdminName" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public "Admin" - Allows Basic Information Menu // When a player uses "clanmodmenu" or "say menu" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cm_admin "4294967295" "Password" "ABCDEJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZrfklos" "$ch@eLL3" cm_admin "*" "*" "Jf" // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Names & Tags Not Wanted on Server // Un-comment these lines if you would like these names blocked on your server // Also use them as examples to block more unwanted names // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cm_admin "*(JAPS)*" "fakepassword" "bf" // Will kick JAPS members if they use their clan tag cm_admin "*[JAPS]*" "fakepassword" "bf" // Will kick JAPS members if they use their clan tag cm_admin "*myg0t*" "fakepassword" "bf" // Will kick Myg0t members if they use their clan tag cm_admin "noname" "fakepassword" "bf" // Common cheater name Was könnte ich noch falsch gemacht haben P.s.: Das is für ne kleine LAN darum läuft das auf meinem Rechner. Und Hab Adminmod 2.50.50 und Clanmod 1.81.12 . mfg schaelle |
Autor: | Schaelle [ 10.07.2003, 20:52 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | |
Das Prolbem is gelöscht, komm jetzt druff, aba wen ich jetz C (bin c = clanmodmenu) drücke, sagt der mir immer "Du bist nicht berechtigt Clanmod zunutzen" . Wa sis dat? |
Autor: | Archaon [ 10.07.2003, 22:57 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | |
Hallo, du musst noch den Flag setzen was er alles machen darf also welche menus er öffnen darf. Also Q musst du auf jeden fall setzen. Zum beispiele K dann kann er leute kicken usw. Mfg Archaon |
Autor: | Schaelle [ 11.07.2003, 10:38 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | |
ne hab was falsch gemacht, hab das gleiche Password Field wie bei Adminmod gesetzt darum ^^ |
Autor: | Limbo [ 28.07.2003, 17:19 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | Setinfo???? |
Du musst in deiner config oder der valve.rc einen eintarg machen der normalerweise so aussieht setinfo "_cm_pw" "deinPasswort" |
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