Kommt drauf an welche Version du genau hast 2.8.3 kann man zu 1.5 Kompatibel machen schau dazu mal in die statsme.cfg:
// Steam Format - comment for CS 1.5 and other non-steam mods
sm_rankhead "<tr align=center><td>#<td width=350 align=left>Nick (Points)<td>Kills<td>Deaths<td>Hits<td>Headshots<td>Accuracy.</tr>"
sm_rankbody "<tr align=center><td>{rk.id}.<td align=left>{rk.name} ({rk.points})<td>{rk.kills}<td>{rk.deaths}<td>{rk.hits}<td>{rk.hs}<td>{rk.acc}</tr>"
// Uncomment the following and comment the above for retro-style (non-HTML) Top10 ( CS1.5 and other non-steam support)
// sm_rankhead "# nick kills/deaths hits/shots/hs. eff.%% acc.%%"
// sm_rankbody "{rk.id}. {rk.name}{rk.txt} {rk.kills}/{rk.deaths} {rk.hits}/{rk.shots}/{rk.hs} {rk.eff} {rk.acc}"