Hack of PTB. Fixes not recieving all events (Team wins) in steam cs 1.6. Also removed some of the spamming messages, and renamed "PTB" to "Team Balance" in messages since most normal people have no idea what "PTB" means. Needs Statsme. // misc admin_teambalance - show PTB statistics (ACCESS_ALL) admin_teambalance status - show all current settings (ACCESS_ALL) admin_teambalance list - list of ptb commands (ACCESS_ALL) admin_teambalance help - same as "list" (ACCESS_ALL) admin_teambalance on - enable all options admin_teambalance off - disable all options admin_teambalance save - save all settings to vault.ini admin_teambalance load - load all settings from vault.ini // team selection control admin_teambalance limitjoin on|off (default: on) - team join control admin_teambalance limitafter (default: 0) - rounds after which teams limiting begins admin_teambalance limitmin (default: 0) - minimum players for team limiting admin_teambalance maxsize (default: 10) - maximum team size per team admin_teambalance autorounds (default: 3) - initial rounds without free team choice admin_teambalance maxdiff (default: 2) - maximum accepted team size difference admin_teambalance wtjauto (default: 2) - WTJ tries for auto-join admin_teambalance wtjkick (default: 3) - WTJ tries for kick admin_teambalance kick on|off (default: on) - WTJ kicking admin_teambalance savewtj on|off (default: off) - wtj.log writing // team balancing actions admin_teambalance switch on|off (default: on) - team switching and transfers admin_teambalance switchafter (default: 0) - rounds after which switching begins admin_teambalance switchmin (default: 3) - minimum players on map for switching admin_teambalance switchfreq (default: 1) - maximum team switching frequency admin_teambalance playerfreq (default: 3) - maximum player switching frequency admin_teambalance forceswitch (default: 3) - forced switch delay (switching alive, if neccessary) admin_teambalance deadonly on|off (default: on) - switch dead only or alive, too // messages admin_teambalance tellwtj on|off (default: on) - tell about wtj tries admin_teambalance announce on|off (default: on) - announcements admin_teambalance sayok on|off (default: on) - "no action required" message admin_teambalance typesay on|off (default: on) - globally switch use of typesay // team strength limits admin_teambalance maxstreak (default: 2) - maximum accepted team win streak admin_teambalance maxscore (default: 2) - maximum accepted team score difference admin_teambalance minrating (default: 1.5) - stronger team, if rating >= minrating admin_teambalance maxrating (default: 2.0) - way stronger team, if rating >= maxrating admin_teambalance superrating (default: 3.0) - overwhelming team strength, if rating >= superrating (don't play with these, if you don't fully understand, what they mean) Configuration Using "vault.ini" ------------------------------- PTB options can be set by manipulating the "option_..." variables at the top of the code, or by setting variables in AdminMod's vault.ini file. If you want to do the latter, these are the default settings as they should appear in the file (each option should stand at the beginning of a new line). Look at the comments besides the corresponding "options_..." code to find out what the options do. Atlernatively you can type "admin_teambalance status" in the console of a running CS server to get some info on the settings. // team selection control PTB_LIMITJOIN on PTB_LIMITAFTER 0 PTB_LIMITMIN 0 PTB_MAXSIZE 10 PTB_MAXDIFF 2 PTB_AUTOROUNDS 3 PTB_WTJAUTO 2 PTB WTJKICK 3 PTB_KICK on PTB_SAVEWTJ off // team balancing actions PTB_SWITCH on PTB_SWITCHAFTER 0 PTB_SWITCHMIN 3 PTB_SWITCHFREQ 1 PTB_PLAYERFREQ 3 PTB_FORCESWITCH 3 PTB_DEADONLY on // messages PTB_TELLWTJ on PTB_ANNOUNCE on PTB_SAYOK on PTB_TYPESAY on // team strength limits PTB_MAXSTREAK 2 PTB_MAXSCORE 2 PTB_MINRATING 1.5 PTB_MAXRATING 2.0 PTB_SUPERRATING 3.0