====V.1.0 was bugged with one major flaw. V.1.1 hopefully fixes it, but... I hope I dont become infamous.==== okay, so you want your server to be managed by clients so that cheaters, campers, and afks can be taken care of in a timely manner. This is the plugin for it. Dont want them abusing these features? Got that covered too! =====V.1.1===== Fixed some mis-spellings in this document. Fixed *major* bug. has been retested: got rid of bug that made the thing work nothing at all. Apparently it was too dumb to count the users. That is fixed now (probably something else will go wrong with my luck... anyways dont be afraid to e-mail me of any problems at Snurtle1@lycos.com, I got the problem fixed in less than a day of the e-mail). It doesn't go quite as I wanted it to, but this seems to be the only solution. Here is what you will see when less than six people are playing now: the vote people vote vote ends message is displayed "Despite the results, at least six people must be playing." nothing happens after that A vote is wasted and the user isn't punished. This is unfortunate, but it is required because of the way the function system works in Admin Mod (certain variables such as the user count can only be called upon at certain times, meaning the vote has to commence before the amount of users can be counted.) ============== =====installing:===== same way you install any admin mod plugin. if you want the default settings (recommended if your clueless) just compile and copy the file plugin_republic.amx to your addons/adminmod/scripts directory. Next, open up addons/adminmod/config/plugin.ini and add the following line to it: addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_republic.amx If you dont like the following default values, feel free to change the sma file but dont change the guy who gets credit (ME ME ME). As if it really mattered though unless you were trying to distribute this. Please note that in order for this plugin to work, I had to make the user a GLOBAL variable. All of these are consol commands. =====info===== [syntax is in brackets] vote_ban [targetname time] What it does: Creates a vote to ban a target for specified amount of time. Maximum Ban time: 10000 minutes (about a week give or take a day) Minimum Ban time: 1 (permanant ban is not allowed) Ban vote failure punishment: user who initiated vote is banned for 15 minutes and is given a message to be serious. vote_afk [targetname] What it does: Asks if a certain player is afk. If the majority votes yes, the target is kicked. AFK kick vote punishment: user who initiated vote is banned for 10 minutes if the vote fails and is given a message to make sure everyone knows that guy is afk. vote_camper [targetname] What it does: Asks if the target is boring. Slays a camper in style if the majority votes yes. Camper kill vote punishment: user who inititiated the vote is kicked and banned for 5 minutes and is given a message to redifine "camping". ALSO ONE MORE NOTE: THESE VOTES ARE NOT ALLOWED IF LESS THAN SIX PEOPLE ARE PLAYING ON THE SERVER. THE REASON IS SO THAT IN CASE TWO OR THREE FRIENDS WANT TO GANG UP ON SOME GUY THEY CANT. AND INTERNET PEOPLE WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING DO NOT HAVE MORE THAN THREE FRIENDS! SO I FIGURE SIX IS A SAFE NUMBER. IF YOUR SERVER DOES NOT OFTEN GET SIX AND YOU WANT THIS PLUGIN FEEL FREE TO CHANGE THE VOTE. JUST RUN A SEARCH THROUGH THE SMA FILE FOR "<= 5"! IT IS LISTED THREE TIMES! FEEL FREE TO CHANGE THE PUNISHMENT TIMES OR THE PUNISHMENT TYPES IF YOU KNOW HOW! BE SURE TO COMPILE IT AND PLACE IT IN THE RIGHT DIRECTORY! RECOMMENDED YOU DO NOT REQUIRE A LARGE MAJORITY FOR VOTES TO COMMENSE IF YOU USE THIS PLUGIN! 70% MAX! 50% MIN! FINALLY THIS USES THE HLDS STYLE OF VOTING. A GRAVITY VOTE OR SUCH WILL PREVENT THESE VOTES FROM COMMENSING. RECOMMENDED YOU DO *NOT* MAKE YOUR MAXIMUM VOTE TIME GREATER THAN FIVE MINUTES (but who's stopping you?).