/*This plugin lets you turn off the ability for people to use chat messages. I don't know why anyone whould ever want to do this but someone in the forums wanted. Created by gnugy August 29/2001*/ #include <core> #include <console> #include <string> #include <admin> #include <adminlib> #define ACCESS_TOGGLECHAT ACCESS_RCON new STRING_VERSION[MAX_DATA_LENGTH] = "1.00"; /*State of chatmodee, 1 for on 0 for off default is on, change to 0 to make default off*/ new CHAT_STATE = 1; public admin_togglechat(HLCommand, HLData, HLUserName, UserIndex) { if (CHAT_STATE == 0) { CHAT_STATE = 1; say("Chat has been turned on"); } else { CHAT_STATE = 0; say("Chat has been turned off"); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public HandleSay(HLCommand, HLData, HLUserName, UserIndex) { new Name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; convert_string(HLUserName, Name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH); if (CHAT_STATE == 0) { messageex(Name, "You are currently not allowed to chat", print_chat); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public plugin_init() { plugin_registerinfo("Admin Toggle Chat", "Allows admin with RCON to turn off chating", STRING_VERSION); plugin_registercmd("admin_togglechat", "admin_togglechat", ACCESS_TOGGLECHAT, "admin_togglechat : Turns chatting on or off"); plugin_registercmd("say", "HandleSay", ACCESS_ALL); // plugin_registercmd("say_team", "HandleSay", ACCESS_ALL); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }