 * IP address helper function library
 * By Ravenous Bugblatter Beast
 * ravenousbugblatterbeast@hotmail.com
 * http://www.ravenousbugblatterbeast.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk
 * This include file contains a function
 * to convert IP addresses supplied by
 * adminmod into 32-Bit integers so they
 * can be manipulated using bit-wise arithmatic
 * e.g. for subnet masking.
 * It also converts the numeric IP address
 * back into dotted string representation.
 * Note: The 1st octet is stored in the upper
 * octet of the integer and the 4th octed in the lower.
#if defined _ip_included
#define _ip_included
#include <admin>
#include <core>
#include <string>
#define SHIFT8 256
#define SHIFT16 65536
#define SHIFT24 16777216
/* Converts an string representation of an IP address
 * in Data into a 32-bit numeric representation in IP
 * Ignores any optional port on the end of the IP address
 * e.g. In the :27015 is ignored.
 * Returns 1 if conversion successful, or 0 if Data[]
 * did not contain a valid IP address.
 * Note: If you use this with the HLIP argument in plugin_connect
 * you must call convert_string on it first - e.g.
 * public plugin_connect(HLUserName, HLIP, UserIndex) {
 *   new Data[MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
 *   convert_string(HLIP,Data,MAX_DATA_LENGTH);
 *   new IP = strtoip(Data,IP);
stock HLIPtoip(HLIP, &IP) {
  new strIP[25];
  return strtoip(strIP,IP);
stock strtoip(Data[], &IP) {
  new sepIP[4][10];
  new numIP[4];
  new pos=index(Data,':');
  if (pos>0) {
    Data[pos] = NULL_CHAR;
  new c=strsplit(Data,".",sepIP[0],10,sepIP[1],10,sepIP[2],10,sepIP[3],10);
  if (c!=4) {
    return 0;
  new i;
  for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
    if ((numIP[i]<0) || (numIP[i]>255)) {
      return 0;
  IP= numIP[0] * SHIFT24 + numIP[1] * SHIFT16 + numIP[2] * SHIFT8 + numIP[3];
  return 1;
/* Converts the numeric representation in IP to a string
 * representation in Data[].  You must pass an array with
 * at least 16 characters of space */
stock iptostr(IP,Data[]) {
  new strIP[4][10];
  /* Workaround for signed arithmatic - don't want negative IP addresses! */
  new hi=(IP & 0xFF000000) / SHIFT24;
  if (hi <0) { hi += 256; }
  numtostr((IP & 0xFF0000) / SHIFT16,strIP[1]);
  numtostr((IP & 0xFF00) / SHIFT8,strIP[2]);
  numtostr((IP & 0xFF),strIP[3]);
  return 1;