# The downloadlogs section lets you configure an FTP host to download logs from before a stats update occurs.
# You can configure more hosts by using more [downloadlogs:x] sections. Settings in the primary [downloadlogs] section
# act as defaults for any other hosts you define in other [downloadlogs:x] sections. So you do not need to redefine all settings
# for each host if the settings are the same (like usernames, ports, etc.)
# In order for the downloaded logs to be scanned you must make sure you have a 'logsource' defined that points to the same
# directory as the localpath for each host you define.
download = 0 # 1 = Download logs from this host, 0 = Do not download.
host = myhost.domain.com # hostname or IP of FTP host to download from
port = 21 # port to use (21 is default)
pasv = 0 # 1 = Use Passive mode to connect, 0 = Do not use passive
user = username # username to connect with
pass = password # password to connect with
binary = 0 # 1 = Tranfer logs as binary, 0 = transfer as ASCII (default)
delete = 0 # delete remote files after they've been downloaded?
skiplast = 1 # skip the last log file? (since the game server still might be using it)
remotepath = logs/test1/ # remote path where the log files are stored
localpath = /home/lifo/logs/downloaded1 # local path where log files should be downloaded to
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