Psychostats im lan |
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Autor: | [B+B]Bommel [ 26.09.2003, 11:43 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | Psychostats im lan |
wir hatten vor kuzem ein elan organisiert ist dufte gelaufen alles klar jetzt wollte ich die stats generieren u auf die hp setzten funzt mit psychostats soweit alles einwandfrei nur schreibt der mir 148 leute in die playerliste u es waren nur 42 leute da sprich der sortiert nicht nach ip sonder nach name wie mache ich das damit er mit die player rangks nach ip sortiert Code: LogPath = { E:/psychostats/logs/logs1 E:/psychostats/logs/logs2 E:/psychostats/logs/logs3 } # Destination HTML directory. This will usually be a path in your # webserver root somewhere. HtmlPath = E:/wampp2/htdocs/stats # Define what type of server you're running. Changing this affects how # weapon and map images are loaded. The word here is prefixed to all # images, ie: cstrike_mp5navy.gif for a CS weapon. # known valid options: cstrike, dod modType = cstrike # Control the layout of the generated HTML pages. The word value given # should be a directory name under the 'themes' directory. Make sure # you're using a theme that is compatable with the MOD you're using. HTMLtheme = cstrikephp19 # 'picspath' is where your thumbnail pictures are located for the # map names. These should be full pathnames, NOT URLs. # The 'dlpath' directory marks the location of where you store your # maps for download. If you don't provide maps for download, you don't # need to worry about it. PicsPath = E:/wampp2/htdocs/stats/images/mappics DLPath = /notprovided # If a theme has a 'copy' option it will copy any files listed for it # to the HTMLPATH if it does not already exist. Setting this option to # 1 will force the files to be copied even if the file already exists # in the HTMLPATH directory. If you're having problems with images not # coping correctly, make sure this is set to 1. ForceThemeCopy = 1 # Ignore log files that were not closed properly? A log file that wasn't # 'closed' properly means that either the server crashed during the # writting of the log file, or the log file is the most recent active # log. PsychoStats will still gather correct information from 'unclosed' # log files and there is really no reason to ignore them, So the # default for this is "0". This is provided for completeness only. ClosedLogsOnly = 0 # Enable or Disable STATSME (v2.1) DAMAGE support. All other STATSME # statistics are always gathered if present in the logs, regardless of this # setting. CSTRIKE servers that use mp_logdetail 1,2 or 3 will end up with # inaccurate damage stats if this is enabled. All other servers that do not # report damage should enable this option. Note, its recommended using this # option instead of having mp_detail enabled. Since this uses a LOT less # space in the logs and the same amount of detail is collected. EnableSTATSMEdmg = 0 # Config file locations. awardfile = awards.cfg # setup award values and rules clansfile = clans.cfg # Clans personalization file clantagfile = clantags.cfg # setup clantag strings denyfile = deny.cfg # deny players from ranking denyclanfile = denyclan.cfg # deny players from ranking in CLANS ignorefile = ignorelines.cfg # ignore lines from log files permitfile = permit.cfg # define players that will always rank playersfile = players.cfg # define players personal information rolenamefile = rolenames.cfg # define character roles/classes weaponfile = weapons.cfg # define weapon names and weights # server info. serverName = Rodgau-LAN serverIP = serverDomain = # info on server admin/owner. leave anything blank to be anonymous. # You can also edit the index file(s) for the theme and just remove # these variables if you do not want them shown. adminAlias = [B+B]Bommel adminEMail = # enable/disable reporting verbosity ReportErrors = 1 # If enabled, NON-fatal errors will be logged ReportCrashes = 1 # If enabled, server crashes (detected from logs) will be logged. # Note, ReportErrors must be 1 for this to report anything. # control how player stats are reported. RegisteredOnly = 0 # Only rank players that are registered? BaseSkill = 1000 # Base skill for all players. Do not set this too low (<750) MaxDays = 100 # number of days of logs to scan. MaxPlayers = 150 # MAX# of players shown in Ranking list. MinConnected = 1 # min# of players that must be connected in order # for stats to start gathering from a log file. MinSkill = 500 # Skill rank needed. MinKills = 1 # min# of kills needed to appear in list MinDeaths = 1 # min# of deaths needed to appear in list MinKDR = 0.10 # min Kill:Death ratio needed to appear in list MinTime = 1m # min game time needed to rank. format: "1d1h1m" # where d=day,h=hour,m=minutes. MinRounds = 0 # min# of rounds played needed to rank (not valid in DOD) UseAliases = 1 # Toggle the use of player aliases RemovePlayers = 1 # 1 = Remove players that have ZERO kills + deaths. # This is useful to save memory and to get rid of # all those useless names. AutoBanDeny = 0 # toggle auto denying for players that have been BANNED MaxKickDeny = 0 # total times plr was kicked before they are denied MaxCheatDeny = 0 # total times plr cheats before they are denied # set to 0 to disable DeleteOldPlayers = 1 # Deletes all old Player HTML files before new files are # created. This stops player pages from building up in the # HTMLPATH (only useful when PlayerHTMLtype is not RANK) DeleteOldClans = 1 # Deletes all old Clan files, same as above. DeleteOldWeapons = 1 # Deletes all old weapon files. DeleteOldAwards = 1 # Deletes all old award files. DeleteOldMaps = 1 # Deletes all old detailed map files. # How to create player and clan files. # RANK = use rank # NAME = use name # WONID = usr plr wonid (playerHTMLtype only) # MIME = encode name with base64 (recommended) PlayerHTMLtype = MIME ClanHTMLtype = MIME # PlayerID: How players are tracked and recorded. # NAME = use player names as the unique ID for each player. (case sensitive) # LCNAME = use player names (case in-sensitive) # WONID = use player WONIDs ... PlayerID = LCNAME # Create Clan HTML stat pages. PsychoStats can try and figure out what # clans have connected to the server and groups all the members in each # clan together. This has side-effects since PsychoStats can't be 100% # accurate as to what is a clan (it does a pretty good job, however). # But with the settings below and the help from the clantags file you can # help tweak what a clan is defined as. CreateClans = 1 # 1 = Create clan stats. 0 = don't. MinClanMembers = 3 # Min # of members needed to pass as a 'clan'. MinClanKills = 50 # Min # of combined kills needed to pass. MinClanSkill = 500 # Min avg skill needed for the clan to pass. MinClanKdr = 0.0 # Min Kill Ratio needed for the clan to pass. MinClanRank = 0 # Min avg rank needed for the clan to pass. MinClanMemberKills = 1 # Min kills needed for member to be included in clan MinClanMemberDeaths = 1 # Min deaths ... # Enable clan debugging. This should always be disabled unless you're having a # clantag or clanmember problem (like a 'valid' clan never appears in the # clan listing). This will cause PS to output the reason why a clan was denied # from the clan listings. So on large servers, this will OUTPUT A LOT of info. # All info is LOGGED, so you can simply view the stats.log after you update to # view the results. ClanDebug = 0 # Create detailed map stat pages. PsychoStats will create detailed pages # for each map, showing the top players in many different views of the # map. Such as most kills, hostage rescues, or bombings, etc. # This requires some extra processing time and you can toggle this # option on or off. Toggling this off does not effect the creation of # the standard 'maps.html' file. CreateMapPages = 1 MapAwardMax = 10 # Maximum # of players to list for each detailed # map player listing # Maps that should NOT be included in stats. Partial words can be used to # exclude all maps that match. e.g.: using "es_" would exclude all "ES" type maps. # format: one line, each mapname or partial word is seperated by a space. # e.g.: ExcludeMaps = cs_speedball de_suckmap as_ ExcludeMaps = unknownmap # default map used when the current map is unknown. This is only needed # if you use the command 'log on' in your server.cfg, instead of the # 'autoexec.cfg'. Its recommended you use the autoexec.cfg for the # 'log on'. If the server.cfg is used, then the HLDS engine will not # report the first map loaded, and thus this option will need to be set # to the map you use to start the server. DefaultMap = unknownmap AwardMax = 25 # Max number of players to list in "top10" weapon/award pages. # Toggle the display of some 'sensitive' plr info: ShowPlayerAliases = 1 # Player Aliases are visible ShowPlayerWONIDs = 0 # Player WONIDs are visible ShowPlayerIPs = 1 # Player IPs are visible # Map variables that specify what type of map images to use, and where # your maps are available for download (used mainly in maps.html) maplinkurl = /maps/ # relative URL path to map DOWNLOADS (zip files usually) maplinkext = zip # file extension for downloads (do not use a dot) mapthumbnailurl = images/mappics/ # relative URL path to mappics. mapthumbnailsize = 160x120 # image size mapthumbnailext = gif # image type (do not use a dot) weaponimgurl = images/ # relative URL path to weapon images ## FTP SECTION ----------------- # If you need to have your stats uploaded to a website after a stats update, # fill out this section with the values required for your FTP server (website). # The host, user, and pass must all be specified in order for an FTP transfer # attempt to be made by PsychoStats. # Sub-directories are not supported. Only files within the HTMLPATH will be uploaded. FTPhost = # FTP hostname, ie: FTPusername = # username to connect with FTPpassword = # password to connect with FTPdir = # path to where the files should be uploaded to FTPautodelete = 0 # If enabled each remote file will be deleted before # uploading the newer file FTPdelete = # Specify filename wildcards (seperated by comma's) to # delete on the FTP server. ie: player_*, clan_* # ftpautodelete does NOT have to be enabled. FTPfiles = *.* # wildcard filenames to upload. Multiple # wildcards should be seperated by a comma (,) # ie: *.html, *.css, *.gif FTPport = 21 # FTP port to use. you'll probably never change this FTPpassive = 1 # If FTP doesn't work for you try setting this to 0 FTPverbose = 0 # 1 if you want to see whats happening during # the FTP transfer. Note, this is extremely verbose! # But is useful for troubleshooting FTP problems # If you want to have PsychoStats DOWNLOAD logs from a remote game server, # automatically, before any local logs are processed then specify the FTP settings # here. They are the same types of settings as the FTP options above. # A file will not be downloaded if it exists on the LOCAL machine already. FTPlogHost = FTPlogUsername = FTPlogPassword = FTPlogDir = FTPlogLocalDir = # what directory to store the downloaded files into # (on the local machine where is running) FTPlogFiles = *.log FTPlogPort = 21 FTPlogPassive = 1 FTPlogVerbose = 0 |
Autor: | GriZZly [ 26.09.2003, 11:59 ] |
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Moin, Bin mir zwar nicht sicher aber das gibts nicht mehr :-) Stand mal hier drunter: Zitat:
# PlayerID: How players are tracked and recorded.
Du kannst aber einmal normal durchlaufen lassen und anschliessend in der deny.cfg die namen eintragen die du nicht mehr haben willst. Ist nicht das non plus ultra, glaub aber das die IP funktion schon in der 1.9 nicht mehr mit drinne war.# NAME = use player names as the unique ID for each player. (case sensitive) # LCNAME = use player names (case in-sensitive) # WONID = use player WONIDs ... PlayerID = LCNAME :-) GruZZ GriZZ |
Autor: | [WING] Black Knight [ 26.09.2003, 13:43 ] |
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Die IP Funktion war ziemlich buggy, daher wurde sie entfernt. Du wirst wohl nicht umhin kommen, und ein wenig Hand anlegen. Wie schon erwähnt wurde kommen die vielen Spieler durch Namensänderungen zu Stande. Nimm Deine aktuellen Stats und schau, welche Spielernamen die gleiche IP haben (Das hattest Du ja aktiviert). Die Namen eines Spielers müssen dann in die players.cfg eingetragen werden, und ein primärer Name festgelegt werden. Sorry, geht nicht anders. Hatte das Problem auch schonmal. Downgrade von PS hilft auch nicht, da früher zwar die Funktion zur Verfügung stand, aber überhaupt nicht funktionierte. |
Autor: | [B+B]Bommel [ 27.09.2003, 00:10 ] |
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nee da muss ich sagen das ist mir zuviel arbeit danke aber nochmal ich lass dann so |
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