Roundcount |
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Autor: | Hawk321 [ 05.06.2003, 16:13 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | Roundcount |
wie kriege ich das hin das der Roundcount net unten links auftaucht sondern das er in der mitte in der farbe rot undm it dem sound Prepare to Fight und mit der anzeige "CTs füren mit X punkten" THX 4 HElp |
Autor: | ST4life [ 05.06.2003, 18:23 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | |
plugin umschreiben? schick mal bite den quellcode |
Autor: | Hawk321 [ 05.06.2003, 23:11 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | |
/* AMX Mod script. * * [SN*INFO] RoundCount Plugin by sonic ( * * (c) Copyright 2002, sonic * This file is provided as is (no warranties). * */ /* Put in server.cfg: * sn_rcount_mode < flags > * "a" - show roundcount/map restart in hud * "b" - show roundcount/map restart in chat * "c" - show map restart * "d" - play sound on roundstart * * Set sn_rcount_mode "" to disable RoundCount Plugin. * Default sn_rcount_mode is "bcd" */ /* * Projekt AMX --> deutsch * :RoundCount 0.9 | 1.0 (19.04.03) * :Uebersetzt von SniperBeamer * : */ #include <amxmod> new roundsnum public new_round() { new roundtime = get_cvar_num("mp_roundtime") * 60 if (roundtime != read_data(1)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE ++roundsnum new msg[128], currentmap[32], rcmode[8] get_mapname(currentmap,31) new maxrounds = get_cvar_num("mp_maxrounds") if ( maxrounds ) format(msg,127,"Runde %i von %i auf %s",roundsnum,maxrounds,currentmap) else format(msg,127,"Runde %i auf %s",roundsnum,currentmap) get_cvar_string("sn_rcount_mode",rcmode,7) new rcmodebits = read_flags(rcmode) if ( rcmodebits & 1 ) { set_hudmessage(220,80,0,0.05,0.15,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1) show_hudmessage(0,msg) set_hudmessage(220,80,0,-1.0,0.30,0, 6.0, 5.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2) show_hudmessage(0,"Bereite dich auf Kampf vor!") } if ( rcmodebits & 2 ) { client_print(0,print_chat,msg) client_print(0,print_chat,"Bereite dich auf Kampf vor!") } if ( rcmodebits & 8 ) client_cmd(0,"spk misc/prepare") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public new_map() { new currentmap[32], msg[128], rcmode[8] get_mapname(currentmap,31) roundsnum = 0 format(msg,127,"Starte die Map %s neu",currentmap) get_cvar_string("sn_rcount_mode",rcmode,7) new rcmodebits = read_flags(rcmode) if ( rcmodebits & 4 ){ if (rcmodebits & 1) client_print(0,print_chat,msg) if (rcmodebits & 2) { set_hudmessage(220,80,0,0.05,0.15,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1) show_hudmessage(0,msg) } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("RoundCount","0.9","Sonic (") register_event("TextMsg","new_map","a","2&#Game_C","2&#Game_w") register_event("RoundTime", "new_round", "bc") register_cvar("sn_rcount_mode","bcd") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } |
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