Um dem Server ein Passwort zu übermitteln, damit man sich automatisch als Admin einloggt müsst in das moddir-Verzeichnis gehen, dass auf eurem Rechner installiert ist. Dort öffnet ihr die "config.cfg" mit einem Texteditor. Fügt einfach am Ende der Datei folgende Zeile ein:
setinfo "_pw" "passwort"
"passwort" muss man natürlich durch sein gesetztes Passwort in der admin.cfg ersetzen!
"selectskill" - Allows you to select skills before the start of the next round
"changerace" - Allows you to change race during the game if "mp_allowchangerace" is "1"
"playerskills" - Shows you what skills other players have chosen
"skillsinfo" - Shows you what each skill does for the race you have selected
"itemsinfo" - Shows you a list of items and what they do
"iamadirtycheater" - if "sv_cheats" is "1" then it will set you to level 10
"cheatsoff" - will set your level back to what it should be
"war3help" - gives you a list of the console commands
"war3vote" - vote to switch the plugin on and off
"say /changerace" - same as "changerace"
"say /selectskill" - same as "selectskill"
"say /playerskills" - same as "playerskills"
"say /skillsinfo" - same as "skillinfo"
"say /itemsinfo" - same as "itemsinfo"
"say /level" - displays level, race and skill information
"say /war3vote" - vote to switch the plugin on or off
"say /war3help" - displays info about the plugin
"sv_warcraft3" - Enable/Disable the plugin (default 1, enabled)
"sv_allowwar3vote" - Enabled/Disable voting (default 1, enabled)
"sv_cheats" - this is a standard HL cvar, but you need this if you want to cheat
"mp_allowchangerace" - Allow people to change race during the game (default 0, disabled)
"mp_forceskin" - Forces player to choose skin according to race (default 0, disabled)
"mp_grenadeprotection" - prevents buying more than 1 HE gren per round (default 1, enabled)
"mp_weaponxpmodifier" - gives additional XP for using certain weaker weapons (default 1, enabled)
"amx_vote_delay" - set delay between which votes can be started (default 60)
"amx_vote_time" - set the amount of time you have to vote (default 10)
"amx_votewar3_ratio" - set the minimum ratio of votes required (default 0.40)
"amx_vote_answers" - display player votes (default 1, enabled)
"mp_savexp" - save XP to a txt file and restore it when player reconnects (default 0)
"mp_xpmultiplier" - set the level required to gain a level as a multiple (default 1.0)
"sv_daysbeforedelete" - see server settings above (default 1)
"sv_dayslevelmodifier" - see server settings above (default 3)
Zuletzt geändert von LinuxLama am 24.03.2003, 20:00, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.