Sobald ich Clanmod in die metamod.ini aufnehme kann ich nichtmehr connecten!
passwort und setinfo alles korrekt! ohne clanmod funzt alles: adminmod 50.50 und statsme!
am server kommt folgende message:
11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: "-=]P4e|Individuum[=-<1><------><>" connected, address "---.---.-.-:------"
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Loading IPs from file ´1´
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] WARNING: File ´1´ seems to be empty (length 0).
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Loaded 0 IPs
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Loading users from file ´addons/adminmod/config/users.ini´
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Loaded 3 users
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Loading vault records from file ´addons/adminmod/config/vault.ini´
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Loaded 1 vault records
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Loading plugins from file ´addons/adminmod/config/plugin.ini´
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Executing command: logd_reg 57 admin_command ffmon_checktk
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Executing command: logd_reg 58 admin_command ffmon_checktd
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Executing command: logd_reg 61 admin_command ffmon_teamaction
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Executing command: logd_reg 62 admin_command ffmon_worldaction
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Loaded 17 plugins
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [ADMIN] Plugins loaded successfully.
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: Server cvar "public_slots_free" = "5.000000"
L 11/10/2002 - 12:52:24: [CLANMOD] "<1><-------><>" wurde Admin-Rechte verliehen als "-=]P4e|Individuum[=-"
SZ_GetSpace: overflow on netchan->message
WARNING: reliable overflow for -=]P4e|Individuum[=-
Dropped -=]P4e|Individuum[=- from server
Reason: Reliable channel overflowed
ich hab keinen plan was das sein könnte